Crime - The Dark Side is a Bengali movie released on 23 Feb, 2018. The movie is directed by Rajib Kumar Biswas and featured Debomoy Mukherjee and Arpi...More. Trailer Watch Now
"Villain"narrates the story of Raja, the protagonist, whose life takes an unknown turn when he meets his lookalike Joy, that leads to a series of inci...More. Trailer Watch Now
The sudden demise of his maternal uncle leaves budding lawyer Abir in charge of his ancestral property. Accompanied by his friend, philosopher, and gu...More. Trailer Watch Now
To please his dying daughter, a father tries to create the Durga Puja festival, usually held in October, during the month of April, in Kolkata.. Trailer Watch Now
When Mr. Mitra, a successful lawyer, crosses paths with Ms. Sen, a complex woman, it marks the beginning of a unique relationship. What starts off as ...More. Trailer Watch Now
Sonar Pahar is about Upama, who is in her 70s, doesn't share a healthy bond with her only son Soumya. Soumya's childhood friend Rajdeep along with his...More. Trailer Watch Now
Separated at birth, after 28 years Bhai and Jaan grow up to be as different from each other as can be. While Bhai is outspoken and a little bit of a t...More. Trailer Watch Now
Investigative journalist Shivangi reaches Kurseong in search of a missing girl, with a cellphone as a keeper of untold secrets. Watch the full movie o...More. Trailer Watch Now
Tui Sudhu Amar is a Bengali movie released on 31 Aug, 2018. The movie is directed by Joydeep Mukherjee and featured Soham Chakraborty and Biswanath Ba...More. Trailer Watch Now
An aged Byomkesh Bakshi and a tale of his family. After 2 years of exile, one night 'Khoka' A.K.A Abhimanyu Bakshi surrenders in a police station decl...More. Trailer Watch Now
The Remainder' is a biographical document of a mother, Madhumanti, who is not a biological mom, but a step mother. Biswajit, a dear friend of Madhuman...More. Trailer Watch Now
Meghla, who after years discovers that her grandmother had been killed in her ancestral home in East Pakistan by a trusted retainer of the family. And...More. Trailer Watch Now
A young boy Manoj, who lives among the chaos and weirdness of his joint family, where the musician uncle feels suicidal after singing a wrong music no...More. Trailer Watch Now