Bristi Tomake Dilam is an intense psychological thriller, which revolves around a young woman, who wishes to lead a normal life, full of happiness, bu...More. Trailer Watch Now
Fifteen years after they parted ways, Sayani, Law officer in a corporate firm meets Asimabha, a brilliant man leading a devious life, and they go thro...More. Trailer Watch Now
A chirpy and jovial teenager, Mehul, whose higher secondary finals are at the doorstep while her infatuation over her tutor cum neighbour Babai da, is...More. Trailer Watch Now
Two young souls Apurba and Joy meet each other in college and fall in love. Incidentally, they turn out to be neighbours as well. Thus, begins an inno...More. Trailer Watch Now
Mrittika is assigned a bizarre task of babysitting an eerie-looking doll named Jojo. Will she be able to deal with it or will Jojo add yet another dar...More. Trailer Watch Now
After stumbling across illegal activities in a shady pub, a photojournalist finds her life in jeopardy. The only person standing between the criminal ...More. Trailer Watch Now
Gumnaami is a film based on the Mukherjee Commission Hearings which happened from 1999 to 2005 where the three theories about Netaji Subhas Chandra Bo...More. Trailer Watch Now
Ghawre Bairey Aaj is inspired by Rabindranath Tagore's novel 'Ghawre Bairey' (Home and the World) and is a contemporary retelling of love triangle inv...More. Trailer Watch Now
Terrorism has become the biggest enemy of mankind in today's time, and we often fall prey to their inhuman acts. Despite our desperate attempts, we fa...More. Trailer Watch Now
Faisal lives happily with his daughter and his mother as a single father. He is very serious about work when it is time, and his whole life is based o...More. Trailer Watch Now
An odd twist of events leads a teenager Bikram, on a quest to solve the perfect crime: a murder cleverly disguised as a natural death.. Trailer Watch Now
This is the love story of Krish, son of Advocate Gourisankar Chakladar. Gourisankar has two sons, Harisankar and Krish. Harisankar is an advocate like...More. Trailer Watch Now
A Bengali horror film about four friends in a haunted house, where a scary folklore is waiting to come alive for them. Frights ensue when four young f...More. Trailer Watch Now
A 15-year-old otherworldly girl Kia, living with her single mother, Dia goes on an audacious journey from Kolkata to Kalimpong in search of her father...More. Trailer Watch Now
After getting betrayed by his close associates, a TV show creator, suffering from a terminal disease, designs a reality show to seek his revenge on th...More. Trailer Watch Now