Shambhunath Mishra, a retired middle school teacher is living a mundane middle-class life with his wife Manju Mishra in Gwalior. Life takes a complete turn for the Mishra family when a situation gets out of hand and it leads to a killing at the hands of Shambhunath Mishra. Mishra ji has very little time to plan cautiously to turn this into a “perfect murder” and leave no trace behind.
Category | Bollywood |
File Size | 1.30 GB |
Imdb Rating | 6 / 10 |
Video Quality | HD 720p |
File Type | mp4 |
Play Time | 01 H 50 M |
Release Date | 2022-12-09 |
Language | हिन्दी |
Views | 277 |
Downloaded | 31 |
Shambhunath Mishra, a retired middle school teacher is living a mundane middle-class life with his wife Manju Mishra in Gwalior. Life takes a complete turn for the Mishra family when a situation gets out of hand and it leads to a killing at the hands of Shambhunath Mishra. Mishra ji has very little time to plan cautiously to turn this into a “perfect murder” and leave no trace behind.