Inspired by the life of a fearless young officer who made history by becoming the first Indian female Air Force officer to fly in a combat zone during...More. Trailer Watch Now
At the cusp of India's birth as an Independent nation, a family makes an arduous journey to freedom at a cost. A young boy Bharat, makes a promise to ...More. Trailer Watch Now
The Singh family comprises of Shamsher his step-son Sikandar, twins Suraj and Sanjana. They run a business of illegal arms and trade with the help of ...More. Trailer Watch Now
The true story of legendary Hindu warrior king "Prithviraj Chauhan" including his early military successes, love story with Sanyogita & clashes with M...More. Trailer Watch Now
Events in India's history — from the Emergency and the famous Cricket World Cup win to the Punjab riots — unfold from the perspective of an innoce...More. Trailer Watch Now
Shambhunath Mishra, a retired middle school teacher is living a mundane middle-class life with his wife Manju Mishra in Gwalior. Life takes a complete...More. Trailer Watch Now
When a helpless student has nowhere to turn to except a housewife who's also a small-time lawyer, what they uncover is a quagmire of an educational sc...More. Trailer Watch Now