Set in the early 1990s, Michael, a simple yet daring boy from the south moves to Bombay with a strong motive that's personal to him, grow under the wings of Gurunath, a dreaded gangster. Michael is assigned with a task of killing the man involved in the attempted assassination of Gurunath. Things take a turn as he falls in love with the target's daughter, Theera, in Delhi.
Category | Tamil-Telugu-Movies |
File Size | 2.68 GB |
Imdb Rating | 4.5 / 10 |
Video Quality | HD 720p |
File Type | mp4 |
Play Time | 02 H 34 M |
Release Date | 2023-02-03 |
Language | தமிழ் |
Views | 217 |
Downloaded | 272 |
Set in the early 1990s, Michael, a simple yet daring boy from the south moves to Bombay with a strong motive that's personal to him, grow under the wings of Gurunath, a dreaded gangster. Michael is assigned with a task of killing the man involved in the attempted assassination of Gurunath. Things take a turn as he falls in love with the target's daughter, Theera, in Delhi.