Ten-year-old Sembi and her grandmother Veerayi, an apiarist, live peacefully amidst nature in the hilly regions of Kodaikanal. They lead a beautiful life until three influential miscreants shatter all their dreams. After a tragedy the two escape and board a bus, whose Passengers from different walks of life try to help bringing justice to the duo.
Category | South-Indian-Dubbed |
File Size | 2.68 GB |
Imdb Rating | 6.1 / 10 |
Video Quality | HD 720p |
File Type | mp4 |
Play Time | 02 H 04 M |
Release Date | 2022-12-30 |
Language | हिन्दी |
Views | 289 |
Downloaded | 128 |
Ten-year-old Sembi and her grandmother Veerayi, an apiarist, live peacefully amidst nature in the hilly regions of Kodaikanal. They lead a beautiful life until three influential miscreants shatter all their dreams. After a tragedy the two escape and board a bus, whose Passengers from different walks of life try to help bringing justice to the duo.