The film is inspired by an incredible story of a shepherd dog named Palm who was inadvertently left in the airport by her owner. She befriends nine-year old Nicholas whose mother dies leaving him with a father he barely knows - a pilot who finds the dog at the airport. It's a story of amazing adventures, true friendship and unconditional love.
Category | Hindi-Dubbed |
File Size | 2.03 GB |
Imdb Rating | 4.5 / 10 |
Video Quality | HD 720p |
File Type | mp4 |
Play Time | 01 H 50 M |
Release Date | 2022-03-18 |
Language | Pусский |
Views | 557 |
Downloaded | 70 |
The film is inspired by an incredible story of a shepherd dog named Palm who was inadvertently left in the airport by her owner. She befriends nine-year old Nicholas whose mother dies leaving him with a father he barely knows - a pilot who finds the dog at the airport. It's a story of amazing adventures, true friendship and unconditional love.