The film follows the lives of two families, one living in a Mumbai slum and the other in a luxurious high-rise, whose paths intertwine unexpectedly. A...More. Trailer Watch Now
When an army commando finds out his true love is engaged against her will, he boards a New Dehli-bound train in a daring quest to derail the arranged ...More. Trailer Watch Now
A young man from a remote village dreams of launching his own airline service. However, he must overcome several obstacles and challenges in order to ...More. Trailer Watch Now
After his younger brother is tragically killed over a petty argument, a feared and retired criminal Bhaiyya Ji, sets out to seek justice against the p...More. Trailer Watch Now
Luv is in love with Ishika and wants to ask for her hand in marriage. A laughter riot follows when his widowed father falls in love with Ishika's moth...More. Trailer Watch Now
Lenny, a crime reporter, makes a life-altering choice to pocket a case of stolen jewels to transform his mundane life. However, his good fortune takes...More. Trailer Watch Now
The unstoppable force Ruslaan is coming to break free of the chains of conformity. With his gun and guitar, he's about to create a symphony of rebelli...More. Trailer Watch Now
Inspired by the Indian national football team coach and manager Syed Abdul Rahim, who is regarded as the architect of Indian football, encapsulating t...More. Trailer Watch Now
Manoj Patil's happy life takes a tragic turn when he loses his daughter in an accident caused by a pothole. When the authorities refuse to hear his co...More. Trailer Watch Now
Follows ACP Avinash Verma as he investigates the killing of a minister's assistant in a mass shootout. As his team delves deeper into the case, a dark...More. Trailer Watch Now
Intricately woven cross-border love story between Ali, a UK delivery agent pursuing his travel dream and Meher, a student aiming for solo travel in he...More. Trailer Watch Now
A humble singer’s brash lyrics ignite fame and fury across Punjab as he grapples with soaring success and brutal criticism before his untimely death...More. Trailer Watch Now
Three ordinary air hostesses from Mumbai embark on a journey to pursue their dreams but find themselves caught up in unexpected misfortunes.. Trailer Watch Now