The story revolves around a humble, divorced Indian woman named Ananya and amidst her mundane-routine life, she finds herself on a secret intelligence duty in Pakistan. But her love for Urdu literature will have her falling in love that will eventually put them in a tug of war with each other.
Category | Bollywood |
File Size | 894 MB |
Imdb Rating | 6 / 10 |
Video Quality | HD 720p |
File Type | mp4 |
Play Time | 01 H 48 M |
Release Date | 2021-02-04 |
Language | हिन्दी,اردو |
Views | 202 |
Downloaded | 25 |
The story revolves around a humble, divorced Indian woman named Ananya and amidst her mundane-routine life, she finds herself on a secret intelligence duty in Pakistan. But her love for Urdu literature will have her falling in love that will eventually put them in a tug of war with each other.