The movie depicts the life of a young boy, Vijay (Amitabh Bachchan), whose father gets brutally lynched by a mobster Kancha Cheena. It's a journey of his quest for revenge, which leads him to become a gangster as an adult. Watch out for Amitabh Bachchan in one of the most powerful roles of his career. Will Vijay lose his family in the process of satisfying his vengeance?
Category | Bollywood |
File Size | 691 MB |
Imdb Rating | 6.3 / 10 |
Video Quality | HD 1080p |
File Type | mp4 |
Play Time | 02 H 54 M |
Release Date | 1990-02-16 |
Language | हिन्दी |
Views | 876 |
Downloaded | 47 |
The movie depicts the life of a young boy, Vijay (Amitabh Bachchan), whose father gets brutally lynched by a mobster Kancha Cheena. It's a journey of his quest for revenge, which leads him to become a gangster as an adult. Watch out for Amitabh Bachchan in one of the most powerful roles of his career. Will Vijay lose his family in the process of satisfying his vengeance?