The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes...More. Trailer Watch Now
The Film is based on the infamous 'Charlie Murder Case' in the Indian State of Kerala where the main culprit Sukumara Kurup has been on the run for de...More. Trailer Watch Now
A young man from the Black Town of 1970’s segregated Madras finds himself with the opportunity to redeem his boxing clan and himself from years of d...More. Trailer Watch Now
In God's own country, the supreme leader of the ruling party dies, leaving a huge vacuum, not only in the electoral and leadership sphere of the party...More. Trailer Watch Now
A greedy TV channel owner tries to rake in the moolah by pitting a reluctant local boxer against a notorious international champion.. Trailer Watch Now
A pianist pretends to be blind for inspiration, witnesses a murder. He suddenly finds himself in a blind spot with the victim's wife, the murderer. Du...More. Trailer Watch Now
The lives of a vedic scholar Pattabhiramagiri and his family come under threat after a godman and his goons try to displace him from his centuries-old...More. Trailer Watch Now
What happens when the name of an innocent girl appears in Kerala Anti-Social Activities Prevention Act (KAAPA), the list of most wanted people in Kera...More. Trailer Watch Now
Siva, a police officer, has to escort a witness to the court. He learns that all the police service wants to kill the witness. An escape begins.. Trailer Watch Now
A once decorated member of the Special Anti-Terrorism Squad (SATS) is called back into action by his former colleagues for an important mission, setti...More. Trailer Watch Now