A period drama set in the 1970s, KGF follows the story of a fierce rebel who rises against the brutal oppression in Kolar Gold Fields and becomes the ...More. Trailer Watch Now
Satya is given a different face after he suffers burn-related injuries. After being released from the hospital, he deals with the murderer of his love...More. Trailer Watch Now
The young Shivudu is left as a foundling in a small village by his mother. By the time he’s grown up, it has become apparent that he possesses excep...More. Trailer Watch Now
A young man from the Black Town of 1970’s segregated Madras finds himself with the opportunity to redeem his boxing clan and himself from years of d...More. Trailer Watch Now
The lives of a vedic scholar Pattabhiramagiri and his family come under threat after a godman and his goons try to displace him from his centuries-old...More. Trailer Watch Now
A gang goes to rob a bank only to find that there's already a criminal mastermind holding it for ransom, but his identities and motives behind the hei...More. Trailer Watch Now
In Yamalokam retirement age comes from Senior Yama and he gives charge to his Son. However experienced Chitragupta is retained much to his disappointm...More. Trailer Watch Now
A straightforward man, who uses violence to settle disputes, decides to mend his ways for the sake of his lover, but when he learns that her family is...More. Trailer Watch Now
During the British rule in India, Arakeshwara, an air force soldier and son of a freedom fighter Amareshwara,due to unavoidable circumstances, kills K...More. Trailer Watch Now