The film follows the story of a man suffering from a rare disorder called the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome (aka Kleine-Levin syndrome), which leads to exc...More. Trailer Watch Now
Tarak, the grandson of a Bengaluru-based businessman who grows up in Europe is reluctant to visit India despite several pleas by his grandfather. All ...More. Trailer Watch Now
An educated do-gooder is forced to enter politics in order to serve the society. But, will the old guard make way and allow him to do that?. Trailer Watch Now
Bharat, a graduate raised in London clueless about the future becomes the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh due to the circumstances. New to India and ...More. Trailer Watch Now
Ramu schemes a devious plan when an affluent & dominating stepmother refuses him financial aid. Does he succeed in his plot to loot her high-security ...More. Trailer Watch Now